
Found it!

Hubby found the usb cord for the camera today! Thank goodness....I already had to *gasp* delete some pics off the camera!!!!! I hardly every delete pics before I download them and I was debating the entire time if I realllllly needed to do it...I mean how many pics does one need of ones birthday party??? Apparently, a lot! =)

Pics tomorrow! I promise. Now, I must fold laundry *gasp again*! I know.....why am I being so domesticated? I figured it's the least I could do for hubby after her found the cord!!!


Is Kelly Bee from Beehive Five!

I am sorry it took me so long to post the winner of the wine glasses giveaway! It's been quite a busy weekend of birthday parties and family visitors!

Now, you can still get your own glasses or other fun handpainted items in time for Christmas or birthdays! Just let me know. I'll post pics of all kinds of stuff with prices soon!


for my camera usb cord.....

I PROMISE to post fun birthday pics of both parties as soon I as I find it!
